Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Monday, December 29, 2008
Top 11 Albums of 2008

Ida - My Fair, My Dark

Anathallo - Canopy Glow

Awake, My Soul & Help Me Sing

My Brightest Diamond - A Thousand Sharks Teeth

Brooke Waggoner - Heal for the Honey

Sigur Ros - Med sud i eyrum vid spilum endalaust

Jon Foreman - Fall

Katie Herzig - Apple Tree

Matthew Perryman Jones - Swallow the Sea

Fredo Viola - The Turn
Peace. - Caleb
Labels: Anathallo, Awake, Brooke Waggoner, fredo viola, Jon Foreman, Katie Herzig, Matthew Perryman Jones, music, My Brightest Diamond, My Soul and Help Me Sing, Shara Worden, Sigur Ros, Top 11 Album
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Wedding - Lauren & Tim
This entry was posted on the A Bryan Photo Blog as well.

Lauren & Tim's wedding took place on October 18th, in the historical city of New Orleans, LA. Rob, Chase, and I got our first hint of how incredible the day was going to be when we met up with Lauren and Tim the morning of for a little walk around the city. "Just shoot it like a lifestyle shoot", Lauren told me, and I gladly took her advice (I mean, she is the Creative Director of Martha Stewart Body & Soul).

After our walk about, we followed Lauren as she went to get her hair styled. A few hours later, she was in her dress, ready for pictures.
It's hard to describe, but during those few hours the guys and I must have fallen into a time machine a traveled back to the 1920's. I mean, how classic does Lauren look?!

Tim must have followed in his own time machine, because when we met up with him a couple hours later, he was sporting his own class. The tie and the hat kill me, and I may have to steal them for my own wedding!

When we reached the ceremony and saw the small intimate gathering of family and friends, it became clear why the day felt so timeless. The day was about Lauren and Tim: their love, friendship, and family. And as Lauren stepped down the stone pathway on the arm of her father, there were not only tears of sincerity, but also smiles of joy. After the "I Do's" and "Kiss your Bride", Lauren and Tim, stayed at the alter as Champaign was distributed, and before the party began, they raise a toast to everyone who had given so much of their own lives to them.

After the tears were wiped away, there was nothing left to do, but celebrate.

In the Spring of the 2009, this wedding will be featured in Martha Stewart Weddings Magazine. Be on the lookout!
Peace. - Caleb
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
...here's a little Christmas Present...

About a month ago, the wonderful artists Brooke Waggoner & Mandi Mapes played in our (Bob, Jason, and my) studio! The concert up until this point has not been released....but, since it's Christmas...here's a advanced present:
Click HERE
Here are a few videos from the night:
Front Row Series: Brooke Waggoner from Second Row Studio on Vimeo.
Front Row Series: Mandi Mapes from Second Row Studio on Vimeo.
Merry Christmas and the Happiest of Holidays!
Peace. - Caleb
Labels: Brooke Waggoner, Christmas Present, Mandi Mapes
Monday, December 22, 2008
The Grandfather Project: Film Edits Completed

I've completed the film and digital edits for the project, and I just got back the 8mm footage I shot. All that's left is putting it all together.

Peace. - Caleb
Labels: 5D, Mamiya, Rollei 6001, The Grandfather Project
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Laura & Josh are Engaged...Finally!

*Edited by Laura Vandal (So proud of her!)

Josh, the Lauras, and I are up here until thursday... just to let you guys know.
Peace. - Caleb
Labels: 5D, Engagement, Friends, Josh Hausen, Laura Pearson, Laura Vandal, New York, Travel
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Vote for My Bro

Click HERE to vote for my Brother for Old Spice's "Man of the Year".
Peace. - Caleb
Labels: Matt Chancey
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Matthew Mayfield Slideshow
I'm toying around with different ways to show off galleries on the blog. What do you guys think of the option above? You can make the slideshow fill the entire screen by clicking the icon in the bottom-right of the slideshow screen.
Peace. - Caleb
Labels: Matthew Mayfield, Slideshow, What do you guys think?
Matthew Mayfield

To see the full Gallery, click HERE.
Also, don't forget to check out Matthew's Music and download his EP for free:
Peace. - Caleb
Labels: concert, Friends, Matthew Mayfield, Portrait, Rollei, Rollei 6001
Monday, December 8, 2008
The Grandfather Project: Monday Edits

Peace. - Caleb
Labels: Combs, Family, Mamiya, Papa, Rollei, Rollei 6001, The Grandfather Project, Toothbrush
Sunday, December 7, 2008
The Grandfather Project: Update

This week, I'll be going through the hours of audio interviews I have, and selecting 3-5 minutes to couple with the photographs and 8mm.
I'll be working in the studio and at Urban Standard. If you are in the neighborhood, and wish to see the project as it progresses, please stop by.
Peace. - Caleb
Labels: Family, Papa, Rollei 6001, The Grandfather Project
Friday, December 5, 2008
Elevator Music: Jon Black, Stewart Vann, & Robby Stone
Elevator Music: Jon Black, Stewart Vann, & Robby Stone from Caleb Chancey on Vimeo.
Here's something I did the other day...
Peace. - Caleb
Labels: grey haven, jon black, Robby Stone, Stewart Vann, video
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Lots of Film: The Powell Family, Matthew Mayfield, & The Grandfather Project

I have a lot of work to do....
Peace. - Caleb
Labels: family shoot, Mamiya, Matthew Mayfield, Rollei, Rollei 6001, The Grandfather Project
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