Monday, June 30, 2008

Inanimate Object: Stallion vs. Bear

Now, I know what you're thinking. But don't worry, there was a fence in between us and the raging battle.

Peace. - Caleb

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Saturday, June 28, 2008

Inanimate Object: Knob

Peace. - Caleb

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Friday, June 27, 2008

Inanimate Object: Banana

Peace. - Caleb

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Jonathan Wade

My friend J Wade came by today...then he got on the roof with a dust mop.

Peace. - Caleb

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Paste Magazine and Taylor Bruce

A few months ago, I took a picture of Taylor Bruce to be featured in the contributors section of Paste Magazine.

You should definitely go buy one and read the story Taylor wrote on The Raconteurs.

Peace. - Caleb

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Thursday, June 26, 2008


Two weeks ago, Bob, Rob, and I ventured to the great state of Virginia to attend the 3rd annual Festival of the Photograph, Look3.

The film should be coming back next week, but until then, here are a few digital I took.

(In no particular order.)

*Photo Credit: Rob

James Nachtwey

Tool Bags

Peace. - Caleb

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Monday, June 23, 2008


Peace. - Caleb

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Today I'm doing some Freelance Color-Correcting work, and cleaning out my archive system.

Here's an old image from my '07 trip to NYC.

Peace. - Caleb

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Nicholas, Finished

Peace. - Caleb

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Friday, June 20, 2008

My Last Week

View Larger Map

I pretty much made a figure 8 (with a little tail) on the South/Midwest United States.

I'm tired, but it's been a good week. I've been shooting lots of film, and yesterday I got a roll back, edited it, and forgot to post it on the'm going to post a shot unedited (which I never do*), because I like it so much.

This is Nicholas. You may remember me talking about him when I took my trip to Romania.

Nicholas served as a missionary in Romania for 2 years and has just returned to the States "for good".

He and his fiancee, Melissa, are getting married in October, and they both came up to visit a week ago. When Nicholas was about to go for a run, I ask him to go up on the roof of my house for a portrait.

Welcome home, man!

Peace. - Caleb

*Yes Cary, I wish I had kept his feet in. But I still like the shot.

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Tuesday, June 17, 2008

John Nathan

Kids these days....

Peace. - Caleb

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Friday, June 13, 2008

Katie Kallam

Katie Kallam, originally uploaded by calebchanceyphotography.

At a conference this week. I'm shooting film, but will be taking out my digital tomorrow.

Peace. - Caleb

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Shara Worden

Shara Worden of My Brightest Diamond is releasing her new album next Tuesday.

Buy it.

She was interviewed recently with puppeteer Lake Simons. Favorite quote from the article:

Transparency in performance, like the activities of a child at play, is a virture - regardless of the nature of your feat.

Check it out.

Peace. - Caleb

P.S. To see Shara's full gallery, go HERE.

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Monday, June 9, 2008

Bryan, hard at work

Every Monday morning at A Bryan Photo we have a "Monday Morning Meeting." These meeting usually consist of going over the different projects we'll be working on that week, discussing the past weeks work, quoting anything interesting we've read that week, and the occasional post-modern poetry session.

Rise and shine.

Peace. - Caleb

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Sunday, June 8, 2008

Bob at His Finest

Here's an Old Shot of Bob taking a picture of his reflection in a trash can lid....idiot.

Peace. - Caleb

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Friday, June 6, 2008


I've always liked this picture for some reason...

I'm going through a few wonderful stages of transition.

1) I am leaving my full-time job to pursue freelance (Free Lance!) work full time.

2) I just moved into a new house.

3) Grey Haven is going very well, and needs to be restructured.

4) I am trying to reach the answer to the question "what church to become a member of?"

So, there it is. Blog will pick up again soon.

Peace. - Caleb


Monday, June 2, 2008


Cary Norton bought a new camera that takes large format's pretty incredible...

I want.

Peace. - Caleb

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