Monday, September 28, 2009

Inspiration: Richard Avedon - Performance

Laura and I were perusing Anthropologie on Sunday, and off of the bookshelf jumped a very pleasant surprise.

Performance is a journey through Richard Avedon's fascination with theatre, music, movies, comedy, and anything involving.....performance.

Basically, I'm telling you to buy it.

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Thursday, September 24, 2009

On White - Seth & His Check Book

Seth and his check book....

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Wednesday, September 23, 2009

On White - Carla Jean Whitley & David Carrigan

Carla Jean Whitley

Whenever I have to spend a day editing behind a computer, I usually announce a "On White" day on Twitter. This basically means people stop by and they get a portrait on a white background.

This gives me a "job related reason" to stop actually working on what I need to be doing (aka staring at a computer screen) and take a break to shoot.

David Carrigan

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Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Portrait: Dr. Michael Clinton

Dr. Michael Clinton

Dr. Mike Clinton

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Monday, September 21, 2009

James Lewis' Bettola

James Lewis

I shot James Lewis for an article in Garden & Gun's June 2009 issue. During the shooting, James and I realized that we saw eye to eye on many subject including: presentation of image, quality over quantity, and the ever ongoing pursuit of knowledge.


I've had to pleasure of shooting James' restaurant Bettola a few times since, and it will be my continued pleasure to shoot it in the future.





If you are in Birmingham, please do yourself the service of experiencing this incredible creator.

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