Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Monday, June 29, 2009
Weekly Nostalgia - Box Camera

This is my "box camera", aka the Ansco Sure Shot. My brother, Matt, gave this to me about two years ago. I've run three rolls of film through it, and I've loved ever bit of it!
All in all, I don't know that much about this camera, and I kind of like it that way.
Here are a couple shots taken right after it was given to me:

I recently got A scan back from my last roll....a roll that was in the camera for close to a year....yeah...

Take a breath, and enjoy your day!

Labels: Ansco Sure Shot, Box Camera, Gift, Josh Hausen
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Wedding Days - Payden & Lane

Let's journey back to one of my first weddings I ever shot through A Bryan Photo.
Payden & Lane were/are/will be incredible!

Give me a bride that wants to play football in her dress before the ceremony, and I'm a happy camper.

Thursday, June 25, 2009
You need to see this... - Corey Godbey

On the subject of illustation, Corey Godbey pretty much blows my mind.

When I stumbled across the Portland Studios websites two years ago, I also found Corey's blog "Light Night Rains". If you use some sort of blog reader, please start following Corey. He does an incredible job walking his readers through step by step of his creative process.
Corey's latest project is called "Terrible Yellow Eyes, a blog solely dedicated to the celebration of the Children's book "Where the Wild Things Are">. Every Friday, a list of incredible illustrators post their own tribute to the book.

Make sure to check out Corey, and tell him I sent you!

Labels: Corey Godbey, Illustrations, Inspiration, Terrible Yellow Eyes, Where the Wild Things Are, You need to see this
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Lab Love - Laura

Richard Photo Lab rocked out my film this week and got it to me a day early! God love 'em!
Next Week: Engagement Session - Brianna and Wayne. Here's a preview. Awkward family photo ACTIVATE!

Peace. - Caleb
Labels: 160NC, Lab Love, Laura Vandal, Rollei
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
In the Studio - Redesign

Yesterday and today are redesign days for mine and Bob's studio space. More pictures to follow when it is complete, but so far we are totally kickin it's butt!

Labels: Bob, In the Studio
Monday, June 22, 2009
Weekly Nostalgia - Halloween

I know it's a little early for Halloween, but I couldn't resist posting this shot. How insane is this?!

Labels: Bunny Ears, Creepy Sisters in the back, Found, Halloween, I'm Happy to be a Pumpkin, Slide, Weekly Nostalgia
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Rest Your Eyes - Joel Scott Davis
Every Sunday, stop by the blog to pick up your weekly prescription of rest-filled music.
Besides, you need your strength to prepare for another jam packed week of images!
Listen to composer (and friend) Joel Scott Davis. Click HERE.
Take two, get plenty of rest, and I'll see you in the morning!

Besides, you need your strength to prepare for another jam packed week of images!
Listen to composer (and friend) Joel Scott Davis. Click HERE.
Take two, get plenty of rest, and I'll see you in the morning!

Labels: Joel Scott Davis, music, Rest Your Eyes, Sunday
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Wedding Days - Lauren & Tim

Most Saturdays I put on a suit, grab my gear, and go shoot a wedding.
I seriously love it.
To me, weddings are an invitation to story. It is a day when a new family is created, and they have asked you to present this most memorable of days in pictures. What an incredible honor!
Almost every wedding I shoot is in partnership with THE southern wedding company A Bryan Photo. What does this mean? Their systems, their management of details, their color work, and all I have to do is hang out with our incredible clients and shoot! It's pretty much a dream for shooting weddings.
I figured since it's such a regular occurrence, I would use Satudays to showcase favorite shots from past, present, and future (not possible, but I'll try) weddings. I'm going to let the pictures speak for themselves, but let me know if you have any questions about location, who these people are, cameras I used, etc.
Basic Personal Rules for a Wedding Day:
- Schedule is minimum, go with the flow. Get there early, get her to the chapel on time, leave with the dancing is done
- Film over digital whenever possible
- Go for 12 great images
- Create, don't Cover
- Server the client by taking the shots YOU want to take. They hired you for you. Shoot who you are, and they will not be disappointed.
Let it begin.
Starting if off is one of my most Favorite weddings ever - Lauren & Tim

This wedding was actually featured in the Spring issue of Martha Stewart Weddings! I'm pretty excited about that.

View the rest of this wedding, as well as the incredible 8mm (shot by Rob Culpepper), by clicking HERE.

Friday, June 19, 2009
Get my Portrait On...White - Edwin

Every Friday I will be showing off a portrait taken on a solid color backdrop (white, black, etc.)
As much as I love giving an image a sense of place, I also love creating a neutral environment. By putting a subject "On White" you take them out of context, and drop them into a place that could be any place. It puts subjects on even ground, as well as focuses the viewer on the intricacies of what is going on "right here".
*Note: I love showing pulled back shots. You can see what is there, and what I took away.

Most of these images will be fresh. Today's is a little old because I'm in traveling all day.
Feel free to follow me during my travels, via Twitter, or that creepy car behind us.

Labels: 160NC, Edwin, Get my Portrait On, On White, Rooster, RZ67
Thursday, June 18, 2009
You need to see this... - Anna Bond

Thursday is for recommended reading and viewing. Basically a day for me to show off some people I think should be noticed. Let's start with Anna Bond over at Rifle - Blog.

I don't recall exactly how I found Anna's site, but I'm very very very glad I did. Although her blog has nothing to do with firearms, it contains plenty of bang (WORDPLAY!).
Her design has an old, clean, playful feeling that is so refreshing! As you read her blog, you'll see this comes from her incredible appreciation for classic storybook illustrations, and an overall sense of what is lasting.

Her wedding invatations are also pretty incredible.

Go forth and check her out!

Labels: Anna Bond, design, Illustrations, Thursday, You need to see this
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