You need to see this... - Corey Godbey

On the subject of illustation, Corey Godbey pretty much blows my mind.

When I stumbled across the Portland Studios websites two years ago, I also found Corey's blog "Light Night Rains". If you use some sort of blog reader, please start following Corey. He does an incredible job walking his readers through step by step of his creative process.
Corey's latest project is called "Terrible Yellow Eyes, a blog solely dedicated to the celebration of the Children's book "Where the Wild Things Are">. Every Friday, a list of incredible illustrators post their own tribute to the book.

Make sure to check out Corey, and tell him I sent you!

Labels: Corey Godbey, Illustrations, Inspiration, Terrible Yellow Eyes, Where the Wild Things Are, You need to see this
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