As I
predicted a couple of weeks back, the last two weeks have been crazy busy and crazy amazing.
Here's a little overview:
I've been to Dothan, AL to get my wisdom teeth out; while
Laura and I were in Dothan, her apartment
burnt down; we got back to Birmingham and dealt with a bunch of apartment stuff, then we headed to Baton Rouge; Where we then got
engaged (!); Then I headed to New Orleans to shoot a wedding; Then we picked up Bryan and Ashley's kid
Noah, and we headed back to Birmingham; Then when we got in we had people over to my apartment for beers and
Heim; then I got up and drove to Sylacauga, AL, for a meeting; then I drove back to Birmingham and went shopping; then I went to
random music rehearsal; then Laura and I went to look at an apartment; then I woke up this morning at 4am and drove back to Sylacauga, AL to a place called
Farmlinks where I'll be shooting for the next 3 days; then Laura and I will drive to Chattanooga, TN on Friday to attend the wedding of
Melissa & Nicholas.
The polaroid that begins this blog post is a shot I took this morning at 6:30am. I was on the 17th green, and the ground was damp and soft. Birds were beginning to stir, and the air around me served as a chilling hint that fall was coming soon.
If you were to take out a map and locate "peaceful", that is where I was this morning.
Peace. - Caleb
P.S. I don't have time to spell check
Labels: Farmlinks, Love, Polaroid