Monday, October 13, 2008

I can't wait to read Walker Percy...

I bought a book by Walker Percy last week called The Moviegoer. It was recommended to me by the great Joel Scott Davis, and I hear it's genius is also appreciated by the prolific Preston Lovingood.

My plan is to sit down and read it in one day. The trouble is finding that day.

The last few weeks have been very...full. It's quite hard to find a day to do nothing but read a potentially wonderful book. There is too much to be done. I have to pay my credit card bill, I have to invoice a client, I need to check the dates for 3 possible concerts, I have to edit film, I have to edit a wedding, I have to fly to Virginia, I have to drive to Chattanooga, etc. etc.

Most of these things I love to do, I want to do.

It is a problem of mine to not know when to rest. Or really, How to rest. I know how to sleep, but that is not the same. Last week provided some rest, but it was then proceeded by a very intense, full week.

I guess what I'm saying is, I need a good solid Sabbath. Not a Sunday, a Sabbath.

Go read a book.

Peace. - Caleb

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Blogger erin said...

i'm reading "the moviegoer" right now, too! matt highly recommended reading kierkegaard "the sickness unto death" before this book...or at least the intro which is pretty short and you can find it online. i think you'll like "the moviegoer"...i do so far!

October 14, 2008 at 8:45 AM  
Blogger Kevin Wilder said...

The Moviegoer used to be one of my favorite books. Now it's been so long that I can't remember much, except that it's great. Can't go wrong with Walker Percy.

October 14, 2008 at 4:01 PM  
Blogger rob c said...

Joel and I talked about Percy and the Moviegoer in South Pasadena on Sunday afternoon. There's a nice ice cream shop there, by the Metro tracks...

October 14, 2008 at 10:30 PM  
Blogger Matt Francisco said...

that book absolutely blew my head open, but I must reiterate Erin's point.... Joel recommended said cook to me as well, and when I finished it, Thomas Richie & I discussed its merit. We came to the conclusion that at least having a cursory (perhaps, even SparkNotes) understanding of Sickness Unto Death separated our enjoyment & appreciation. I think it is amazing.

October 15, 2008 at 3:01 AM  

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