Friday, July 31, 2009
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Lab Love - Southtown

Last Thursday, I had the opportunity of teaching photography to a group of kids in the Southtown area. By "teaching" I mean they said, "You have thirty minutes. Here are the kids. Here's the project."

It was awesome. The kids had a lot of fun with there disposable cameras, and it really let me just get out and shoot some really cool subject matter.

*Technically this area of Birmingham is called Southside. But I like the name Southtown better.
Labels: Basketball, Kids, Lab Love, Southside, Southtown
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
In the Studio - Marriages
This week is all about the Marriages of Branden Lower and Bob Miller....not to each other (damn prop 8), but to two very wonderful women.
This Sunday, Mr. Branden Lower and Ms. Lindsey Fine will become, Mr. & Mrs. Lower.

Then, a 4 hour plane ride and four days later, and Mr. Bob Miller and Miss Allison Thornhill, will also join the ranks of husband and wife.

Just thought you guys should know.
I'm pretty pumped.

This Sunday, Mr. Branden Lower and Ms. Lindsey Fine will become, Mr. & Mrs. Lower.

Then, a 4 hour plane ride and four days later, and Mr. Bob Miller and Miss Allison Thornhill, will also join the ranks of husband and wife.

Just thought you guys should know.
I'm pretty pumped.

Labels: Allison Thornhill, Birmingham, Bob Miller, Branden Lower, Costa Rica, Lindsey Fine, Marriage of Friends
Thursday, July 16, 2009
You need to see this... - Rodney Smith

Rodney Smith is one of my favorite photographers ever. Fact.

You should do yourself a favor and:
1) Check out his work
2) Buy This Book

Labels: Inspiration, Rodney Smith, You need to see this
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
On White - Jimmy Hrom

I have film coming in tomorrow, so Lab Love will be pushed until then.
For now, enjoy this shot of Jimmy. He does 8-bit Nintendo DeeJaying!
Check it out!

Labels: Friends, Jimmy Hrom, Musician, Nintendo, On White
Monday, July 13, 2009
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Rest Your Eyes - Horse Feathers
We just purchased the Horse Feathers vinyl yesterday....you need to listen to this.

Labels: Horse Feathers, music, Rest Your Eyes
Thursday, July 9, 2009
You need to see this... - Joshua Longbrake

I've known Josh "The" Longbrake's work for about 2 years now. It's safe to say, I like everything about it. Ever images seems to carry a dark feeling that is close to cold, but slightly warm. Dusk, with a hint of dawn.

Check out his site HERE.

Labels: Joshua Longbrake, You need to see this
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
On White - Chase Kuhn

I know it's not Friday, but I really like these shots of Mr. Chase, so i thought I would go ahead and post them.

Labels: 5D, Chase Kuhn, Friends, On White, photographer
Lab Love - Feature

My Lovely Lab featured the film from Amy & Chad's wedding on their blog today! Thanks for the shout out you guys.

Labels: A Bryan Photo, Lab Love, Richard Photo Lab, Wedding
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Monday, July 6, 2009
Weekly Nostalgia - Roger Fenton

This is PDN's Photo of the day. So amazing!
For the full story, click HERE.

Labels: PDN, Photo of the Day, Roger Fenton, Weekly Nostalgia
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