Sunday, September 28, 2008
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Holga, Neil Couvillion

The Holga is so weird, and I love testing it's limits...

Tip: Go check out Neil Couvillion.
Peace. - Caleb
Labels: Holga, Neil Couvillion
Friday, September 26, 2008
ArtWalk PDF

Just incase you were not able to attend ArtWalk a few weeks ago (or if you were able to attend and you just couldn't get enough of my exhibit (har, har)), I have created a PDF available for viewing and downloading.
Click HERE to view it in your web browser, or
Right-Click HERE to download the PDF...so you can take it everywhere!
Happy Friday.
Peace. - Caleb
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Stewart Vann

Here are a couple shots of Stewart performing his Song-After-Shoot.

Just incase you missed it...
Peace. - Caleb
Labels: 35mm, Song-After-Shoot, Stewart Vann
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Melissa & Nicholas: The Engagement

I've been friends with Nicholas Ireland for quite some time. So, when he called me from Romania telling me that he was interested in this girl named Melissa...and then called me and told me he was dating Melissa...and then called me and told me he was engaged to Melissa...well, I was pretty excited!

We shot their engagement picture at dawn on a farm in Dothan, Alabama. There were dogs, horses, a pond, a trampoline, and a machete. What more could you ask for!

(I really don't think he could have found a better match!)

View the gallery in its entirety HERE.
Peace. - Caleb
Labels: Engagement, Machete, Nicholas Ireland
Monday, September 22, 2008
Labor Day '08

I love my family. There are a lot of us, and when we get together for holidays, it's always a big deal! The 8mm should be getting back in a few days, so I hope to have it up close to the beginning of new week. Enjoy!

To see the full gallery, HERE.
Peace. - Caleb
Labels: Family, Kids, Kids flying through the air, Rollei
Ansley Kate Waddell, Part Deux

I received a bunch of film back today, which is always exciting!
Here are a few from a family shoot I did with the wonderful Waddell Family.

To check out the full gallery, click HERE.
Peace. - Caleb
Labels: 5D, family shoot, Friends, Holga, Rollei
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Crazy Busy

Above is a screen shot of my iCal for the next two weeks.
Highlights: Moving into my New Studio (Studio 212!!!), getting film back, The Swell Season Concert, talking with Neil about helping with his upcoming album, Posting the newest Grey Haven Concert, hearing a pre-Carnegie Hall performance of Joel Scott Davis' new music, driving to Baton Rouge, an awesome New Orleans wedding, and getting my wisdom teeth out...
crazy, crazy week....

*photo by Chase Kuhn
Peace. - Caleb
Labels: AHHHH, Chase Kuhn, grey haven, iCal, Me without a shirt on, Neil Couvillion, The Swell Season
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Matthew Mayfield

*Photo by Cary Norton
A friend of mine by the name of Matthew Mayfield has just had his latest EP put up on iTunes.
it. is. amazing.
you should go get it.
Peace. - Caleb
Labels: Friends, Matthew Mayfield, music
The Roof: Jarrett Johnston

My best friend, Jarrett, is in the Navy and recently moved to Washington State.
I got to see him before he headed out, so we decided to take a few shots up on the ol' roof.

Peace. - Caleb
P.S. i heart grainy b&w
Labels: Friends, Jarrett Johnston, Nikon 35mm, The Roof
Friday, September 12, 2008
Oh my....
Branden is Engaged!!! from A Bryan Photo on Vimeo.
I love my friends...
Congrats Branden!!
Peace. - Caleb
Labels: Branden Lower, Jeremy Carter, Robby Stone, video

I'm sitting in a hotel room in Charleston, SC with the Rob Culpepper. To prepare for are wedding tomorrow, we are about to go see a wonderful little movie called Burn After Reading.
For you guys, here are a few videos that I found interesting today:
Artist on Artist: Brian Wilson & Zooey Deschanel
Peace. - Caleb
Labels: Rob Culpepper, video
Monday, September 8, 2008
Free Pictures: Update!
Congrats to Mr. Corey Scogin, who will be taking home the 5 10x10 prints!
Thanks everyone for the e-mails. I'm in a free stuff mode, so you never know what could be next...
Peace. - Caleb
Thanks everyone for the e-mails. I'm in a free stuff mode, so you never know what could be next...
Peace. - Caleb
Labels: Free
Free Pictures!

So I was cleaning out my room, and I found these five 10x10 New York prints that I don't have a place for in my house.
Anybody want them? How much = $0, you just have to arrange how they're picked up!
First person to contact me through comment or e-mail gets them!
Peace. - Caleb
Sunday, September 7, 2008

Artwalk went wonderfully well! Urban Standard was packed! There first night, there must have been a few hundred people hanging out inside and outside the doors of Urban at once.

Thanks to everyone who came out and saw my exhibit. I got some great reactions from people, and all the business cards I laid out seemed to magically disappear...

I'll be posting the series on the blog at some point, so all of those who weren't in the Birmingham area can see it.

I'm off to Chattanooga today to shoot engagement pictures for my friend Nicholas and his lovely fiancee Melissa.
Peace. - Caleb
Friday, September 5, 2008
Artwalk, TONIGHT!

Tonight is the first night of Artwalk, and I'm pretty pumped! I spent a lot of time over the last few weeks getting ready for the show, and I'm really happy with the way everything came out.
If you're around Urban Standard tonight or tomorrow, stop by and check out the show!
Here are two of the four prints:


Peace. - Caleb
Labels: Artwalk, Experience, Rollei
Thursday, September 4, 2008
New Site!

So, I have a new website!
Why? I decided a while back that I needed a new site. The "only square" format of the old site was a little bit too much of a limitation for proper presentation, and I really wanted the images to stand out more.
Bob Miller came to my aid.
He designed a site that I really believe focuses in on the images, and I really Love that!
I read an article by Seth Godin a while back explaining that if people wait until something is perfect in order to present it, the majority of those people will be left behind (or very late). His alternative was to launch something great even if it is imperfect, be very honest with flaws, and very open as you fix them.
That being said, welcome to the first edition of my new site!
As of right now there are still a few things that need tweaking:

1) It takes forever (about 12-15 seconds) to load each section.

2) The "K-Chance Record Player" doesn't work properly.

3) The loader is a little off...
So far, that's all I have found. If you have time, please go through the site and tell me if you find anything else.
Otherwise, I think Bob did a great job with the design of the site, and I'm very happy with the look!
What do you guys think? Check it out: HERE!

Peace. - Caleb
Labels: New Site
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