Welcome to the improved blog...I like it a lot.
To celebrate this occasion, I am going to have a small contest.
I'm going to be in a few Art Shows coming up. The first is for
UCF and it will take place on the 30th of this month. For directions, go
The second show will take place the next day on December 1st. This show marks the first event of the
Birmingham Art Collective. It will be held at
Matthew's Bar and Grill. For more info, go
Anyway, I want to show some of my pieces from
Romania....but I don't know which ones to choose.
So this is where you come in.
Part 1 -
1) Go to
http://www.calebchancey.com/romania2) Look at all the pictures
3) Choose which ones you would like to see at the shows
4) Click the buttom at the bottom that says "Inquire"
5) E-mail me which ones you would like to see
Part 2 -
6) Your name will be placed in a hat
7) A name will be drawn on the 21st of November
8) If your name is drawn, you win a
FREE 10x10 print!
It's that simple, and it all starts
Suggestions will be taken until 11 am on the 21st. Good Luck and Thank You!
Peace. - Caleb