Thursday, April 16, 2009

Shooting and Editing


The last three weeks have been crazy....and cool...crazy cool.

The Moxii project will be officially wrapped up in the next couple of days, and I can't wait to see it all together. It's very rare that I get to be on the ground floor in creating a "seen style" with a company. Usually a client knows exactly what they want and you are hired to be a fulfillment of that pre-determined style. But with Moxii, I got to be very creative. I was able to hire my favorite stylist (Celine), and with the rest of the Moxii crew, we created something really really cool!

Rob Culpepper - Test Shot

Amongst the craziness of the two weeks with Moxii, I was hired by Garden & Gun to shoot a "Portrait of Birmingham" for the June issue. I am not exagerating by saying thatG&G is my favorite magazine, and I was pretty floored when they called. So for the last two days, Rob Culpepper (who the dawned the role of assistant) and I have travelled all around Birmingham shooting portraits, food, environments, hotels, etc.

The film gets back tomorrow, but I can't show any of the final images until the magazine is published in June. However, I hope this test shot of Rob will hold you over for a while.

Peace. - Caleb

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Blogger Chase Kuhn said...

Dude ...
I dig the shot of Rob.
Very Nice.
Congrats again on booking the G&G shoot.


April 18, 2009 at 9:14 PM  
Blogger Sandy L. said...

Hey Caleb. Great news about the G&G work... can't wait to see.

April 19, 2009 at 7:17 PM  

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