Artwalk 2008

For ArtWalk this year, I'm presenting a series entitled "The Creative Process". The project is composed of five (5) portraits of different Birmingham Artists. Each of the five (5) framed portraits includes the documentation of how each shot reached the final print; this will include: the predicted sketch of the shot, a polaroid of the shot, a contact sheet, and the final print.
It will kind of look like this:

I'll be presenting at the heavenly Urban Standard on September the 5th and 6th, so if you're in Birmingham during that time, you should come by.
Look for some of the polaroids that will be featured in the show to make an appearance on the blog this week.
Peace. - Caleb
Aw, YOU'RE one of the Urban Standard artists! Joy told me everyone placed there is a regular, which made me happy. Makes sense that you're there, then! (Can't wait for Artwalk.)
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