
When I was in high school, I took a class on Rhetoric. During that time we were asked to keep what is know as a Commonplace Book. I used this book to store ideas, quotes, an any inspiration I happened to come across. It is a wonderful item to keep, and this blog was very much so inspired by my keeping up with that commonplace book through the years.
A few years after my high school days, I had the pleasure of working for a library. It really is an incredible spot for thought and consideration, and I do believe we are slowing slipping away from it's simple pleasure. With all the information in the world at your fingertips, why would you want to go to a physical place that only consists of a few thousand books? I leave that for a far later post.
As an employee of the library, I had the privilege of perusing the book that were donated and weeding out the ones that were not in good condition...and also the one's I wanted.
It was then I came upon the commonplace book of Bettie Hayes started in 1933.

....it is absolutely amazing.
The pages feel and look like individual autumn leaves: each just as fragile, beautiful, and meaningful as the next. I can't really explain everything that is contained inside, but the list includes: newspaper clippings, poems, esssays, speeches, letters, quotes,..so many treasures.
The purpose of a Commonplace Book is to collect and record the common things of this world, and after you have done this, to stand back and recognize the extraordinary nature of the common. Where would we be without common? Without the man chasing a dime down the sidewalk; the woman in the shop window; the child releasing a balloon; the kitten purring.
He who is faithful with a little, will be entrusted with much. And surely, he who observes the little, will see much.
Thank you Bettie for reminding me.
Here (typos and all) is an exert from this very Common book:
Mr. Toastmaster, Ladies, and Gentlemen:
I speak of water. What visions does the word conjure up! What delectable thoughts does it bring to a contemplative mind! Mr. Toastmaster, Ladies, and Gentlemen, I maintain that water is the most beneficient, the most benign and the most beautiful of all the elements with which a generous Creator endowed this mundance sphere.
You ask if water is beneficient! Look upon the ocean upon whose bosom is born the freighted argosies of distant climes; look upon the rivers upon whose bosom is born the commerce of nations, making possible communication and intercourse among her people; look upon the harnessed power which turns the wheels and gives impetus to applied industry; look upon these things and dare say that water is not beneficient!
You ask if water is benign? Consider the tide which flows twice every twenty-four hours--now retreating, now advancing upon the wave-kissed beach; make glad and glorious the summer morn; consider the rain which decends upon a parched and arid desert and causes blossoms to burgeon on where before there was but desert sands and wate; consider these things and dare say that water is not benign.
You ask if water is beautiful? The answer is found in the Niagara, in the roaring cataract, in the pounding mountain torrents, in the purling brook; the answer is found upon the bosom of the hidden lake which reflects as a mirror each passing play of radiance from the skies and the lofty evergreen, as they are gently caressed by the evening breeze yea, the answer is found in the tear drops of the mother as she bids her son go forth and fight for her imperiled country! Yea, verily, water is beautiful!
Never again while man has breath, let it be gainsaid that water is beneficent, that is benign, that it is beautiful! But, Mr. Toastmaster, Ladies, and Gentlemen, as a beverage it is a teetotal failure!
Peace. - Caleb
Labels: Bettie Hayes, Inspiration, Rollei
That's incredible. That thing was just donated to a library?
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you happened upon a treasure!
i'm pretty jealous.
glad its inspiring you, i'm sure she would be shocked to find that it means something to someone else.
yep. one of my most favorites.
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