Grey Haven

So last night I was able to satisfy a long standing desire of mine: get back into performing music.
In high school I sang in a was so much fun.
Jump to the present time. Over the last month and a half I've played a part in starting a music community called Grey Haven. The idea of what exactly Grey Haven is is still a little up in the air. But, the general overtone sounds something like this: Musicians playing music together.
Pretty simple. Musician who are independent, musicians who are in bands, musician who have a singular idea for a song, all come together and help each other create/record/perform these songs.
So last night, Grey Haven made is debut at Workplay to 85 listeners.
The results are as follows:
Click HERE to listen
Peace. - Caleb
P.S. The Morning before the concert started with promotion on the News
Labels: concert, grey haven, music
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